Chamber Singers

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Is the Virtual Circle Done?

Random Pictures of our daughter

Ari is trying to give Curious George a drink.

Arianna in her Halloween Costume. Lady Bug

Ari and Daddy playing in the leaves



Lookin' outside

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some news to report

Well, it seems like forever since anyone checked or posted on this site, so I'll post a bit of news. Our second daughter was just born on Good Friday. Selah Joy Huff came into the world, finally, and is another great addition to our family. I've posted video and pics of her on my blog ( , so feel free to take a peek. I hope everyone had a great Easter. Later...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 anyone out there?

Well I noticed that the Chamber Singers Blog has kind of been in a recession. I thought that I would at least write a post to say hi.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Chamber Singers Support Letters
Signing Party

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Here are some pictures that are long overdue. Laura Ari and I met up with Doc and Connie at Italian Fest in Scranton this past month. here are some pics. Yes the third picture down is not a joke. Laura had no shame in just walking out in front of the lady and snapping a picture. I love my wife. That was a gutsy move.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Freedom from the Law

Hello virtual chambers friends. I trust that the circle is doing well as it ever expands through the endless bounds of cyber-space. A month has passed since the last post, so I thought I'd share a bit about what God has been teaching me. Hopefully this won't be too controversial. To quote John MacArthur from his message Why Every Self-Respecting Calvinist should be a Pre-Millenialist, "I don't want you to take this personally. It's not an attack on anybody. This is just a concern I've had for a long long time..." Yeah right :-/

Anyhoo, our pastor has been preaching through Galatians, and recently spoke on chapter 3:19-25. I would highly recommend his messages on Galatians if you have extra time ( under sermons). My mind was awakened to the great truth that we are no longer under any aspects of the OT Law. Its original purpose was to guide God's people until the heir to the Old Testament promises came. If we take the OT by itself, we would think that Israel was the heir to those promises, but Galatians enlightens us to God's greater purpose. Gal. 3:16 says that Christ was the one to whom the promise God told Abraham (Gen. 12, 15) really was meant for. Yes, Israel benefited from this promise, but Christ was the one to whom it was made, and if we are in Christ, then we are also heirs according to promise (3:29). Christ, therefore, marks the end of the time in which the Law was our only source to know God's mind. This law can never bring light to our souls; only Christ can do that. Now that Christ has come, the law isn't partially fulfilled or dimmed; "He has hushed the law's loud thunder. He has quenched Mt. Sinai's flame."

If then the law has completed its work of guiding God's people until Christ came, it is fulfilled and not necessary for salvation. If that is true, why would we try to gain favor or right status with God by trying to live by the law. Those OT rules, while still showing us the moral standards of God, are now greatly surpassed by Christ and the way He tells us to live in the NT. That is such a freeing thought. All we can do is live in and by the new Law of Christ He has written on our hearts by the Holy Spirit. I'm not purporting anti-nomianism (anti-law) or that we can do whatever we want now because the OT law doesn't apply, but saying that the OT law was never intended to save anyone because its purpose was to point us to the heir of God's OT promises, Christ.

You may be saying, so what does this have to do with us. Well, the idea that I was taught once upon a time, was that the law is still in effect today, but they were partially fulfilled in Christ. Things like not eating certain foods or having to sacrifice are specifically addressed in the NT as being done away with, but other commands that weren't addressed are still in effect. I think that is a false assumption. According to Galatians and really the whole NT, ALL the promises of God are "Yes and AMEN" in Christ, not just some of them. What an encouraging challenge. We are all a part of God's people, whether Jew or Gentile, slave or free, man or woman (Gal. 3:28).

On a more personal note, Charis (our little girl) is now walking, I'm working full-time at my church (for now), God is blessing us with another little baby that will be here sometime in March, I started recording a solo music album, and my b-ball team, the Cubs, have made the playoffs. We continually trust in God's sovereign plan to guide our steps each day. You are all in our prayers. Later...

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I can't tell you how great it is and how excited it makes me to be back in circle on a more permanent basis... Being in the Chamber Singers is an influential and unforgettable thing.
AND, since Jill and I were going to the store for some things anyways, we decided to go to JCPenney and start getting ideas for the always-fun-and-never-so-easy job of picking out outfits (I really never thought I'd be doing this again). We found some ideas that might work, and many of these are on sale right now. Please look at the pictures and give feedback on here and in rehearsal!

Blue with charcoal gray pants/skirts

Red, White, and Black with Black pants/skirts

Purple and Gray with black pants/skirts

Teal and off-white with black or tan pants/skirts

Thanks, all, for your input! Oh, and good news for those of us who need passports...I officially sent my application in on Friday (through the post office). I was told that because of the time of year, I should get in back by Thanksgiving. Make sure you're applying NOW, so that you get it without having any danger of delay.